Olympic Barbell Care
Olympic Barbell Care

The Vulcan Olympic Bar is a high quality piece of exercise equipment. Vulcan barbells can be used for CrossFit, Olympic Lighting, Power Lifting or any other strength and conditioning programs. To keep your Vulcan Olympic bar operating well and also maintaining its appearance:

  • Always wipe your Olympic bar down after use. Use general purpose cleaner or antibacterial wipes - ensure that the cleaner or wipe you choose does not contain bleach (bleach is highly corrosive)
  • If you have a Black Oxide Vulcan Olympic Bar, make sure to use 2 in 1 oil or WD-40 on the shaft ever so often. Simply wipe it down with oil, let it set up overnight, then wipe off the excess until the bar is completely dry the following day. Black Oxide offers some rust protection but a black oxide bar can rust if left outdoors, or used in humid climates (garage gym, basement, outdoors, etc)
  • It is also a good practice to put a few drops of light oil into the sleeve, right in the space between the shaft and sleeve, to maintain lubrication of the bearings or bushings
  • Never drop a loaded bar on to safety spotters or a bench, it will bend no matter the strength of the steel.
  • Do not leave loaded bars in the rack over night
  • Store your barbell in a Vulcan 9 bar holder, Vulcan wall mounted bar holders or leave on the squat stand (unloaded). Do not store bars on the floor area as this is the most humid part of a room or building. If storing a Barbell in a vertical holder place a piece of foam inside the holder sleeve. Vertical impact to any barbell can offset a bushing or bearing which can have an effect on spin.